Thursday, August 18, 2011

Heart of Glory

This episode starts off with some drama in the neutral zone, which in case you are not a loser piece of shit who wasted their youth on a tv show, is a boundary established between the Romulans and Federation where neither can fuck around in.  So the Enterprise shows up and finds a floating space turd.

Life signs captain!  Send an away team!  Smells like a trap number one! Geordi is on the away team and has hooked up a transmitter to his VISOR, so they can finally tell that he is tripping balls 24/7.


The floating space turd is a Tarellian cargo ship.  Seems like they usually try to skimp on sets but this one is sorta rad.

Cool shot there too. Music is rad too, I am starting to be able to tell when Ron Jones is doing the music for an episode.

Turns out on the turd were some legit Klingons, not fake pussy Klingons like Worf.  Poor Worf man, feel really bad for that guy. But, he is a pussy Klingon and knows it, and to his credit is trying to be a big tough badass like the rest of them for his whole life.  Worf may be a klingina, but he is trying.

you ain't a real Klingon nigga

Regardless, Worf is super pumped to have some bros on board. At least he thinks they are gonna be bros, but they rag him hard. Klingons rule, total space hardasses. Check out this face one of them makes when Worf even brings up the possibility of "kindness".

nigga what

The dudes they got playing the Klingons in this episode are actually decent actors.  The extras on this show are hit or miss but these are rad.  Wikipedia tells me one of them is a Vaughn Armstrong, who plays twelve dudes in the Star Trek universe.

Turns out the Klingons from the turd are bad hombres and are wanted by the Klingon authorities even. They manage to build a fucking gun in their cell which also has a wide open window. You would think they would have some sort of frisking procedure or something when they throw people in the brig.  Especially two fucking intergalactic killing machines that you know are criminals.  But nah just let em sit down, sure they won't do anything.

Except they do, they escape and kill some guys and almost a kid. Good work, Enterprise security team!  Anyways they end up dying by Worf's hand but at the end he decides to stay domesticated.  THE END.

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