Wednesday, September 14, 2011

TNGS2: Schizoid Man

Hell yea, I like this episode for a couple of reasons. One, it is more or less Data centric and Data is just so god damned lovable - the ultimate Tin Man.  The allegory is laid on pretty thick in this one but all is forgiven.

Two, it has one of the unintentionally funniest lines ever in Star Trek:

WOMEN AREN'T PEOPLE! I was hanging out with a buddy of mine who had never smoked weed before and is also a huge Trek nerd. So there we are, all fucking blasted, and this hambone actor drops that line and we both start laughing our asses off. Had to be there I guess.

Lastly, this episode actually touches on something pretty fucking heavy - the ability to download and store a human consciousness - essentially immortality. This is a big hoopla in this day in age called the Technological Singularity, the theory that eventually our computational power will become so great we can download ourselves. The only fucking nitpick (always gotta have one) is that Star Trek will just be like "oh yea we can do this now" and then never talk about it again. They realize one of humanity's greatest dreams and then just move on like nothing ever happened. If you had the chance to download your personality and live in a perfect robot body once you got old, fuck yea you would do it.

Anywho, this episode is about this super smart scientist bro dying and stealing Data's body. I have teased the shit out of Brent Spiner before but at this point he is playing Data pretty well. In fact, he is pretty dang good as a guy trying to pretend to BE Data. Brent Spiner bringing out his old Night Court chops here.

There is a really funny scene at Grave's funeral when everybody sort of figures out that shit is wrong and crosses their arms, incredulously.

Later, Picard is trying to nail Grave's old assistant which makes Data/Ira lose his shit. He lets on to his hussy wannabe girlfriend but she wants nothing to do with him now. Dudes always gotta go all crazy for some lady and screw up everything. The fuckin' way she goes. Picard quotes some Shakespeare and saves the day. Thats when you know you got problems, when P. Stewart busts out the sonnets and the stage falls.

Oh, and in this episode Data has a beard.

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