Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Last Outpost

Fuck yea Ferengi.  Probably my favorite ST alien species, even though they are really just space jews. At least space jew-stereotypes.  This first appearance lacks most of the flair and personality that the Ferengi come to have (not even one Rule of Acquisition - my life's guide), but there will be plenty of time to discuss that once DS9 and Quark come into play.

The makeup work for the Ferengi actors is surprisingly badass, especially given how shitty the rest of the set design and effects in this episode are.  Sadly I think in ye modern times they would probably just end up being computer generated.

Bunch of dry ice and illuminated crystals. Probably scavenged this up from some old TOS set that Gene Roddenberry used to date rape people in.

WTF is going on with these Ferengi energy whips?  What a fucking retarded idea for a weapon that is, all though one blast does manage to take out Riker, LaForge, and Data so maybe there is something to it. CONSIDER ME SKEPTICAL, STAR TREK CHARACTER DESIGNERS.

Alright, so throughout this whole episode they were hammering this fucking Chinese fingertrap metaphor into your heads.  Sci-fi writers I have come to realize are, for the most part, fucking obnoxious cretins.  I think their kind is best summed up by the character from the eminently wonderful Party Down,  Roman DeBeers. If you haven't watched that show, you probably have AIDS.

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