Friday, August 5, 2011


Badass opening shot of Picard here. Some usual new M-Class planet bullshit starts the episode. However, once again the space slutiness of its inhabitants is clearly discussed among the bridge crew.  Seriously its like, "LETS GO DOWN THERE AND BANG EVERYBODY". Fucking Roddenberry, have some tact you disgusting motherfucker.  What is really weird is that then they decide to send Wesley down there too.  To the planet with the space whores.  The last line before the break to the intro is "Lets hope its not too good to be true!" Gee, I wonder if something bad will happen.

I don't understand why every other "alien" race looks exactly like humans.  I guess for easy space bangin'. But seriously, good place to bring your kids, right?

space whores

I really can't get over how silly this episode is.  It is a planet full of ultra horny "aliens" that just want to bone non stop and are totally cool with banging weirdos from space.  And Starfleet is down too, like their whole purpose is to just go find new aliens to impregnate. I mean don't get me wrong, sounds like a badass party, but seriously bro, go to writing school.

The whore planet is guarded by some sparkly basketball that takes protecting its space fornicators seriously.

This is what Wesley looks like talking to girls:

Riker looking pretty pumped:

As if this planet couldn't get any better, they deem it necessary to EXECUTE WESLEY CRUSHER FOR THE CRIMES OF SUCKITUDE. I mean stepping on some posies. Turns out the space whores will execute you for just about anything.  Instead of wisely letting them put their sleepy juice into lame ass Wesley they have to save him.  But the basketball makes it take 20 minutes and is only convinced by another badass Patrick Stewart monologue.

Once again you can tell this shit was written by some lonely ultranerd. "Imagine a planet filled with hot girls and they bang all the time, that would rule"

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