It’s time to live blog the one narrative in American culture that tells the simple tale of a black man stripped from his homeland, separated from his family by a British guy who raped and killed his wife and is then forced to work on the far side of the known world to rebuild a bigoted and religious society. Did I mention that the British guy is part of a collective society hell-bent on enslaving an entire civilization, taking away their culture and putting them to work harvesting resources?
Nope. It’s not Roots. It’s Deep Space Nine! Although, I’m sure Kunta Kinte is over on the Enterprise working for the same white devil that fucked up Sisko’s life. Speaking of getting on with this shit:
(Oh wait, I thought of one more, he was taken there by ship…)
Deep Space Nine, episode one opens with a little back story and then Picard spouting off “Resistance is futile.”
Remember when that phrase had enough novelty that you didn’t want to stomp Brannon Braga’s balls and throw him down a mineshaft? Yeah, me either. Aging sucks. This show aired before I was in high school and now I’m nearly dead. Let’s move on.
First of all, this first episode is long. It’s really long. Not as long as the withering stare that Sisko manages every few scenes. The bad news is his entire life is being rocked by the Borg. The good news? He’s now single ladies! No, his wife’s still breathing. Give it a minute. Yep. Dead. I hope there’s not any lingering tension between Sisko and Picard later.
Uh ohhhhh. Someone is classically trained and knows who August Wilson is! Damnit Avery, you’re on camera, not stage. Pull your shit together man!
A kid who lost his mother in a fire fight still doesn’t have enough perspective or understanding of the trials in life to stop bitching about a new assignment. Possible that future kids are mentally retarded? I mean, he sees a space station and asks if it’s a space station. This kid is going to wind up eating self-sealing stem bolts in a corner with his illiterate friend. I’m just guessing.
The opening credits just spoiled a lot of shit for you. Still, it’s the best song of the entire series. I wonder if we can convince Jim to record a cover of the Enterprise theme as a gag when we start covering Enterprise on the blog. I’ll do the vocals. He’ll probably remind me that I’m supposed to sing “Hold me Closer Tony Danza.” You know what, let’s keep things going. Did I mention this episode is long?
Miles is here and so is exposition through an idealized construct. That’s right, like every Star Trek in history, when you want some exposition but you’re too lazy to work it into the action, just have the captain talk aloud to himself for a while. Ooh, shit, I mean COMMANDER. Still, if you need to dump a lot of information fast, I suggest you get yourself a captain’s log. Now that I have Kinect for my 360 I’ll sometimes pretend that I’m a captain. Here’s how it usually goes:
Me: XBox—ESPN.
Me: Look you piece of shit, I said “Xbox—ESPN”
Xbox: [Opens Netflix]
Me: No god damnit! E-S-P-N!
The future has arrived.
Here’s how that really went:
Sisko: Why hasn’t anyone here cleaned this up
O’Brien: Because these fuckers were waiting on the blacks and the Irish to come in and do the dirty work.
P.S. There will be lots of social commentary because that’s how science fiction is often used traditionally. It’s a means of making our current societal issues “the other” and removing them far enough from our current perspective that we’re able to view them in a new and enlightened context.
I will then peel back the thin film of social construction for you, the reader (by you the reader I mean Jim—the only fucking reader. I’m not even reading this as I type it. I’m watching the episode. Are you calling me a liar? For god’s sake look at the time stamps!)
Geeze. There’s still like 120 minutes. We’d better find some sort of temporal situation before my ass starts hurting. From the sitting too much, not from feeling fucked by the fact that this show isn’t on Netflix yet so I have to watch a shit copy I downloaded illegally. We can redact that last part.
Right around the 9:00 mark:
First appearance of Quark—even though Shimmerman played another character on Trek in the past, this is a totally different character that doesn’t totally look just the same. Because that would be racist. Seriously. When dealing with alien life forms “race” isn’t even a misapplied signifier the way it is when dealing with skin color in the 20th and 21st century (the past for the sake of our reader). Somehow, though, despite all that progress, he’s still just a bad stand in for what some asshole thinks the Jews are like.
Not only do we get some classic Sisko over acting and eye movement, we get what seems to be a gay proposition from an elderly prostitute. This is exactly what happened to Joel in Canada.
Full disclosure: I once had a Bajoran earring made for me at a Ren Faire. That guy was wearing his on the right. That’s called “flagging.”
Oh, good. Jake is still whining like a pussy. I guess in space black men don’t back hand their children anymore. At what cost, progress?!!
Miles: Oh, and by the way Sisko, if you don’t have anything else to do (you know, since your wife is dead and your life is in shambles) could you go andtalktocaptainpicardyouknowtheguywhokilledyourwife?
Sisko: What was that chief?
Miles: Nothin’
Now Jake is bitching about the food replicators. No wonder Sisko holds it together so well. His wife may be dead but he’s still got plenty of pussy in his life. Jake, act like a man…and get out of those silly ass overalls.
Kira spends a while being grumpy and having a shitty haircut. We also meet Odo via comm screen. We see him again soon after when he’s screaming at bad guys.
Oh, and Odo is one of those liquid terminators.
Quark gets his first speaking part of the episode. Sisko makes his first real power play. Black people are shifty—but so is Odo. We can’t trust ANY of these fuckers.
Picard doesn’t remember killing Sisko’s wife. AWKWAAARRRD!
Sisko also reveals that he might not stay with Starfleet. I sure hope there’s a key plot point that convinces him to stay. It’s taken us too many years to get a black captain [ok fine, commander] and I’m not ready to let that go yet.
Another aside: How is it that in our actual time we have an actual black president, but it took the open minded future decades to get a black leading man? Once we got one we still only got a commander. Sisko is still the only Trek leading man who had to work his way up to captain through the course of the series.
Great moment of dramatic irony (which is when the audience knows something that the character does not you fucking idiots, stop going to google every god damn time I use a literary term) as the likely departing Sisko blackmails the departing Quark into staying.
What. A. Fucking. Hypocrite.
21:33 -24:00
Sisko eye fucks Kira while they both compare the size of their custodian dicks. Yeah, that’s right, we have a strong woman and a strong black man proving that they’re really really great at tidying up and gossiping. Thank goodness the gay, homeless, Bajoran Santa Clause comes to spare us any more.
Also, when Sisko tries to prove his hands are dirty, how the fuck is an alien white woman supposed to know the difference?
The Kai mentions irony. I’ve been preparing you assholes for it, but you weren’t ready.
I’m shocked this bitch didn’t feed Sisko a cookie. THERE IS NO SPOON!
Damnit, now I wish Avery Brooks had been Neo.
Wait a second—now that I’ve seen him in that ugly shirt I take it all back.
Also, it’s a little weird that Sisko is narrating this event with Jen as it happens. This isn’t a captain’s log, you’re looking a little crazy.
We find out that Sisko has a journey to take. You think it’s some sort of Star Trek?
Meanwhile, people are drinking and gambling again. It’s good to know that in times of tragedy we always get the important businesses up and running first. How long before we have a shuttlecraft bailout in this episode?
That awkward fellow is Julian. The attractive, smug one is Dax. Ok, so they’re both smug. Make a note heathens. Only one of them will be dead in six seasons. SPOILER!
We get to see that somehow Julian and Kira both have a decent working knowledge of the lingo of U.S. Westerns and the notion of the noble savage.
Gee, I sure wish there was some sort of plot device that we could use to see exactly how a trill works or what one looks li—OH MY GOD WE’VE BEEN TRANSPORTED TO ANOTHER PLACE!
Trills look far less fuckable than I’d hoped.
O’Brien is on the set of the Enterprise. Picard comes in to remind him that the English can get the jump on the Irish any time they like.
There’s less tension and more affection in this particular interaction with Picard. Anyone else think it’s because Picard has yet to kill anyone in O’Brien’s family? You can argue the point if you think I’m off base.
The Enterprise has left and now the Cardassians are about to wave their dicks around. You know what, come to think of it, I’m not really sure if the Cardassians are packing. Pretty ethnocentric of me I guess. All I really know is those guys found a way to rape a whole lot of Bajoran women.
You know what…we’d better make this a two-parter.
I'm a guy who grew up watching Star Trek. Now that they are becoming available on Netflix, the plan is to try and watch every single episode (again) and write about them. Because I lead such a wonderful fulfilling life, that's why!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
TNGS2: Pen Pals
Shit man, another episode I didn't remember right off the bat. It is kind of like Seinfeld, where I have seen 99% of the episodes but every once and a while I find one that managed to slip through the cracks. Too bad it looks like this is a god damn Wesley episode. A synopsis from another fellow ultra nerd went like "the shitty one where data is on AOL instant messenger with some chick who lives in some alien Pompeii".
Pretty much, this episode is boring. And child molester-y. This alien lady is like 10 and Data is getting his flirt on while her planet is blowing up. We only find out that it is blowing up because of lame ass Wesley Crusher. He even has the gall to interrupt Riker while he is trying to get his dingle some tingle.
At the very least this episode touches on the Prime Directive, which is one of the more compelling aspects of exploring the galaxy. Riker, the cold blooded bastard, is all for just letting the entire planet with the girl on it blow up because it was their fate or something. Somehow, stupid Wesley figures out a way to save the day with his nerd powers in like 13 seconds.
For some reason Data decides it would be a good idea to beam down and talk to this chick? Where is Chris Hansen when you need him? This is a total fuckup but he does it anyways, has to have her memory wiped, but gives her a rock when she is asleep. And maybe gets a little grope on? Bad Android, bad!
Creepy bro, mad creepy.
Oh yea, Picard rides a horse.
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"A/S/L?" |
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Enterprise hussy |
For some reason Data decides it would be a good idea to beam down and talk to this chick? Where is Chris Hansen when you need him? This is a total fuckup but he does it anyways, has to have her memory wiped, but gives her a rock when she is asleep. And maybe gets a little grope on? Bad Android, bad!
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"she was so angelic...!" |
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I wonder where that finger is going.... |
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cool story bro |
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
TNGS2: The Icarus Factor
Yet another time when Riker turns down his own command to stay on the Enterprise. I guess being the XO on the flagship is better than being captain of some dirt freighter? Probably more tang on the Enterprise.
This episode is a total bummer. Riker is one of my favorite characters and this one is about his dang daddy issues. I guess paw paw ditched him when he was a kid and that made him sad. Daddy Riker tries to make things right but Riker ain't having it. God damnit quit trying to give the cool badasses feelings.
The b plot is also about Worf having some god damn feelings. How are you going to make the two most stone cold dudes on the show turn into whiny crybabies in the same dang episode. At least Worf isn't crying about his pappy but about some Klingon shit. He fights through it and gets stabbed with some pain sticks at least.
This one is hard to watch, feelings, sappy piano music and strings. I can't get even into the Riker's dad character since he made the poor choice to bang Dr. Pulaski.
Blah blah blah, they do some weird blind american gladiators shit, and Riker stays - the end. Fuck this episode.
edit: ok god damn I have to admit the anbo-jitsu suits are pretty fucking weird-rad
This episode is a total bummer. Riker is one of my favorite characters and this one is about his dang daddy issues. I guess paw paw ditched him when he was a kid and that made him sad. Daddy Riker tries to make things right but Riker ain't having it. God damnit quit trying to give the cool badasses feelings.
The b plot is also about Worf having some god damn feelings. How are you going to make the two most stone cold dudes on the show turn into whiny crybabies in the same dang episode. At least Worf isn't crying about his pappy but about some Klingon shit. He fights through it and gets stabbed with some pain sticks at least.
This one is hard to watch, feelings, sappy piano music and strings. I can't get even into the Riker's dad character since he made the poor choice to bang Dr. Pulaski.
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Yea, bad call dude |
edit: ok god damn I have to admit the anbo-jitsu suits are pretty fucking weird-rad
TNGS2: Time Squared
To repeat, I watched this one about a week ago and even took screenshots on my laptop, but I'm at work and bored out of my mind so fuck it. lets just get through this together and it will really strengthen our relationship. Because that is how build attachment, solve problems together! This blog is a problem, and it needs solving people. As far as I can tell there are only two ways out, Keep Trekkin' or Die Tryin' (jesus kill me now).
The opening scene is kinda silly. Riker, like a boss, is throwing a dinner party for all his Enterprise bros and decides to make omelets. Which is classy - breakfast for dinner but still sorta frenching it up. Except Riker, bro, for one thing you are making fucking scrambled eggs here homeboy, and for another, you are sucking at it. This is maybe my biggest complaint about eating eggs out at restaurants - fucking nobody knows how to make a god damn scrambled egg. If I ever get served to me some scrambled eggs that aren't fucking overcooked, dry, and flavorless, I will collapse down on my knees and praise THE ONE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED. Come on guys, low heat, keep them moving at all times, add some butter at the end. How hard is that! You don't have to stir them beforehand, don't season them till you are done, please, make me some decent scrambled eggs!
Riker is making his on a god damn griddle and they come out nasty. Might be because he got the eggs from some peruvian feathered stink ox or something, but only Worf eats them and it is comical.
Besides that, this episode has some problems much like The Royale. It has an interesting premise, some time travel that is surprisingly not obnoxious, and is a Picard episode. Yet, it is awfully forgetful since in the end nothing fucking happens. The McGuffin vanishes, and everybody goes on their merry way. Apparently this was supposed to be the intro of a long Q plot but that stupid boner Gene Roddenberry nixed it. It is good if only for the Picard on Picard scenes - now that is what I call erotic!
TNGS2: The Royale
Well dudes, I fucked up. I watched this episode and the next a while back and never screenshotted or wrote about them and now I'm screwed. The result has been me not watching any Trek and god damnit this will simply not stand. So, I'm going to write a few shitty paragraphs for each and move on. 700+ fucking episodes, they can't all be winners. Go fuck yourself.
Alright, so The Royal is my least favorite kind of episode - quirky situation makes characters act quirky and then everything goes back to normal. What do they call these, bottle episodes? Some shit like that where the arc of the series doesn't move at all.
Reading the episode notes, apparently this one started out cooler and was hacked up in committee to be the semi bland end result. I am of the opinion, especially lately, that greatness comes from when one guy is the driving force behind whichever creative endeavor. Or one team, or whatever, none of this design by committee bullshit. Once the executives get their grubby little paws on things, shit hits the fan. Look at South Park, or Louie, where they basically just hand those dudes bags of money through a slot in the door every month and they give them a new episode. And they are the best shows on TV! I digress.
So, The Royale consists of the enterprise finding a piece of an old NASA probe far off in the boonies, being confused, finding a place on the surface of a methane atmosphere planet that has a pocket of air and a door on a soundstage.
Strange fucking door in the middle of nowhere on an uninhibited planet! Better walk in!
So they do, and immediately become stuck somehow. They deduce they are acting out the shitty book The Royale and win their way out of the situation. And then they go home, the end. Who cares!
Maybe I am ragging on this episode too hard. It ain't that bad. There is one thing that always kind of bothered me, and its not even particular to this episode but I fucked up and don't have anything else to write about. What is the fucking range on Deanna Troi's powers? How can she telepath all the way down to a god damn planet while she is in orbit? Or sense other people in ships when the Enterprise comes in contact? She is always able to tell how Riker is doing, emotionally of course, what a fucking worthless superpower.
Uh yea, I should move on to Time Squared, butcher that one, and get back on track here. To repeat, go fuck yourselves.
Alright, so The Royal is my least favorite kind of episode - quirky situation makes characters act quirky and then everything goes back to normal. What do they call these, bottle episodes? Some shit like that where the arc of the series doesn't move at all.
Reading the episode notes, apparently this one started out cooler and was hacked up in committee to be the semi bland end result. I am of the opinion, especially lately, that greatness comes from when one guy is the driving force behind whichever creative endeavor. Or one team, or whatever, none of this design by committee bullshit. Once the executives get their grubby little paws on things, shit hits the fan. Look at South Park, or Louie, where they basically just hand those dudes bags of money through a slot in the door every month and they give them a new episode. And they are the best shows on TV! I digress.
So, The Royale consists of the enterprise finding a piece of an old NASA probe far off in the boonies, being confused, finding a place on the surface of a methane atmosphere planet that has a pocket of air and a door on a soundstage.
Strange fucking door in the middle of nowhere on an uninhibited planet! Better walk in!
So they do, and immediately become stuck somehow. They deduce they are acting out the shitty book The Royale and win their way out of the situation. And then they go home, the end. Who cares!
Maybe I am ragging on this episode too hard. It ain't that bad. There is one thing that always kind of bothered me, and its not even particular to this episode but I fucked up and don't have anything else to write about. What is the fucking range on Deanna Troi's powers? How can she telepath all the way down to a god damn planet while she is in orbit? Or sense other people in ships when the Enterprise comes in contact? She is always able to tell how Riker is doing, emotionally of course, what a fucking worthless superpower.
Uh yea, I should move on to Time Squared, butcher that one, and get back on track here. To repeat, go fuck yourselves.
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